March 24: every year a special moment


Message given: evening of March 24, 1923 to Nicholas and Elena Roerich

The day of March 24th will be My Day
And the day for initiating events.
Let this day be dedicated to Me
And for this one you will gather
In rest and in silence, and for a time
You will join your thoughts about Me and Mine.

March 24th MM

As we know, Master M’s Day is celebrated all over the world on March 24th.

As you can read in the message transmitted by the Master himself to the Roerichs on March 24, 1923, this date marks every year a special moment, in which the contact between us and him can be closer and where our aspirations and projects are particularly blessed by His influence.

In this time, which sees the whole world struggling with a global crisis brought to light even more by the action of a micro-organism such as the virus that is threatening the health of many people, it becomes even more significant to turn to the Master.
The important thing is to do it in a unified way, that is, by the large group of those in the world who are linked to His Teaching, beyond any physical distance and any cultural difference: with “hearts across distance ” as He himself indicated to us.
Above all, it is important to do so with the intention of invoking help to restore the entire planet, and not from the disease brought about by the virus but from the many distortions that are part of humanity’s present life.

Finally, the most important thing is to make ourselves open and available to collaborate with Him, to do our small part in His work, so that we can all affirm together:

Master, help us to do your job!

A small group of people from various countries prepared a simple pattern of reflection and invocation, with an image of N. Roerich to be contemplated.
In order to make this moment of contact with the Master unified and simultaneous, a precise time has been identified in which to tune in: 6 pm GMT, corresponding to 7 pm in Italy, 9 pm in Moscow, 11.30 pm in India, 2 pm in New York and 5 am (25th) in Australia.

Those who do not have the opportunity to align themselves at that time, can do so at other times of this day dedicated to the Master.

Most importantly, our Hearts are one!

Click below to find the reflection / contemplation



Heart 300 – Today is a good day for good thoughts. If thought contains creative energy, how useful it is to send a good thought out into space. Once humanity agrees to send forth good thoughts simultaneously, the infected atmosphere of the lower spheres will clear up right away.